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The Walking Dead Locations Trivia

Created 2023-09-18

This quiz will test your knowledge about the various locations featured in The Walking Dead. You will be asked about places like the prison, Alexandria, and the Hilltop, and their significance in the series.

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About this Quiz

The Walking Dead, a post-apocalyptic horror television series, features a variety of locations that play significant roles in the storyline. These locations, such as the prison, Alexandria, and the Hilltop, serve as the backdrop for the survivors' struggles and triumphs. The prison, for example, was the first community established by the survivors, offering a semblance of safety in a world overrun by zombies. Alexandria, on the other hand, was a pre-established safe-zone by the U.S. government, which the survivors later discover. Each location in The Walking Dead has its unique characteristics and leaders. For instance, the Hilltop was run by a man named Gregory and was a fortified community with houses, crops, and livestock. The Sanctuary, led by the infamous Negan, was a former industrial complex surrounded by a large wall of metal sheets. Understanding these locations and their histories is crucial for any fan of The Walking Dead, as they are integral to the plot and the characters' development.